irritation and bs-ing

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I AM SO EVIL. I AM SO BAD. hahaha! I keep on bs-ing someone. LOLOLOLOL!!!!xD that person's not even aware that he/she's the one I'm bs-ing. bwahahaha! i know it's bad, i know it's wrong, i'm trying my best to stop it. but i just can't, i can't...i can't stop from bs-ing! xD (oooh, this kinda inspire me, this would be a great song lyrics! xD LOLOLOL!)

idk why, but i am so irritated to that person. he's not so bad, but all i see are his flaws. haha, silly me, other people might be blind for not noticing, but here i am, too aware of all the negativity he's got. LOL im so mean. xD


I'm so evil, i know. LOL
btw, i kinda get over my irritation towards mr. allergy#1, xD (that's a good thing, let's just hope that i wont get irritated over him again.xD)

I haven't posted blogs entry for quite a while so i'll be flooding my blog!!!!xD


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