hp7 and whole lotta more
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 6:49 AM
haven't heard a word from you,it's been days since we last talked and I've been missing you so bad.you are driving me insane! i know i shouldn't be feeling this way, but i just can't help it.
you're like my favorite chocolate bar, i can't last a day without a doze of you.(cheesy much? LOL)
*sigh* i sound desperate. LOL
i'm just missing someone. sheesh
anyway, my family and i watched HP7 a while ago. all i can say is that the movie is sooo EPIC! after all those years, i'm still hooked.
spoiler alert!
i was kinda sad for dobbie. >____< he died. >__< i was like. "WHY!? why him!out of all the bad people in the movie, why him!? >_<", then after that we had dinner out. xD
so tomorrow is monday, and tomorrow will be the day for me to start doing the documentation for the la farge cement blah blah, oh another thing, i was transferred to another department, so from being a telemarketer, i am now a business analyst, BA for short. LOL
i'll just hope for the best.*woooooooot!*
Im having these weird dreams lately, today was the second time i dreamed of that guy, haha! sooo weird, seriously. haha
holy coconuts, it's been a week since i last saw my glasses. Darn, my head keep on aching, >____<
'til here. i'll just post another entry when i feel like it. I wish i could talk to him tomorrow. *crosses fingers*
you're like my favorite chocolate bar, i can't last a day without a doze of you.(cheesy much? LOL)
*sigh* i sound desperate. LOL
i'm just missing someone. sheesh
anyway, my family and i watched HP7 a while ago. all i can say is that the movie is sooo EPIC! after all those years, i'm still hooked.
spoiler alert!
i was kinda sad for dobbie. >____< he died. >__< i was like. "WHY!? why him!out of all the bad people in the movie, why him!? >_<", then after that we had dinner out. xD
so tomorrow is monday, and tomorrow will be the day for me to start doing the documentation for the la farge cement blah blah, oh another thing, i was transferred to another department, so from being a telemarketer, i am now a business analyst, BA for short. LOL
i'll just hope for the best.*woooooooot!*
Im having these weird dreams lately, today was the second time i dreamed of that guy, haha! sooo weird, seriously. haha
holy coconuts, it's been a week since i last saw my glasses. Darn, my head keep on aching, >____<
'til here. i'll just post another entry when i feel like it. I wish i could talk to him tomorrow. *crosses fingers*
akward turtle!?! and ultimate looooves
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 8:45 PM
okay, on to the story..
this happened this monday. i was about to go home, when dan and i decided to go to landmark to look for pianos.xD
when we arrived to landmark, i saw this kick-ass piano, it was kinda similar to the piano of my dreams, but it's way cheaper.haha!xD the staff on that store let me play that piano as long as i like. <3 he even gave me the booklet for the new piano collection 2010-2011.<3 when i got home, i eventually told my parents bout that pianowwww, and i also told them that i want it sooooo bad! hahaha my dad said yessss!!!!!!!!!!!<3 he's gonna buy me that pianooow. <3

haha, i just love the akward turtle!xD
this happened this monday. i was about to go home, when dan and i decided to go to landmark to look for pianos.xD
when we arrived to landmark, i saw this kick-ass piano, it was kinda similar to the piano of my dreams, but it's way cheaper.haha!xD the staff on that store let me play that piano as long as i like. <3 he even gave me the booklet for the new piano collection 2010-2011.<3 when i got home, i eventually told my parents bout that pianowwww, and i also told them that i want it sooooo bad! hahaha my dad said yessss!!!!!!!!!!!<3 he's gonna buy me that pianooow. <3
haha, i just love the akward turtle!xD
articles, articles. random epicness
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 8:40 PM
here are the paragraphs that i read.xD
hahaha! EPIC
* Love is usually pure and a feeling that is mildly possessive but with lots of care, too; infatuation can be detected easily, when a persons says he loves someone, but is unwilling to talk, make any eye contact, or willing to do anything at all, but stay away, remaining shy. You'll know you are infatuated when you can't think of ANY faults of that person. Everyone's got faults; KNOWING his doesn't make your love "less pure". Lust can be known if your "love" shifts easily from one person to another, and lust is usually expressed through short physical/emotional (but mostly physical) relationships.
* Love is when you love the whole person (spirit, heart, mind and body), lust is when you only love part of them, which means that you see only part of the person as having value and that the whole person is not valuable.
* Love and Infatuation are often the hardest to distinguish from one another. It may take several months, or longer, to see whether infatuation will turn into love or fizzle out. Give yourselves time and let the relationship progress naturally.
* Keep in mind that in most relationships, you're feeling all three (love, infatuation, and lust) all at once, to some degree.
* To help you make tough decisions about your relationship, ask someone you trust who has lots of experience with the kind of relationship you want for yourself. For example: say you want to be happily married to one person for life. If your parents have both been bitterly divorced three times, then they are probably not the ones to talk to. On the other hand, if they are about to celebrate their 50th anniversary of bliss together, then they may be ideal to learn from.
* Lasting relationships are those that are built on love - not infatuation or lust. Imagine the person you love in 50 years when they are old and fat. Would that change how you feel about them? If yes, then what you feel now is most likely lust/infatuation - not love.
* Friendship should also weigh into your decision to commit. In 50 years, if you don't genuinely LIKE your mate, you're going to be miserable.
* Remember that jealousy is not a result of love. It is more likely to be a result of infatuation, insecurity or fear of being alone. Are you in love with being in relationships?
* A major life-changing decision like moving in together, getting engaged or getting married should be a natural step if you love someone. It should not inspire fear.
* Take advantage of the post coital "moment of clarity" to examine your feelings. This is not usually the moment directly after orgasm (where most people are happy with the universe), but 5 or 10 minutes later, when your breathing and heart rate are normal. At this point, does the sex still make you feel closer to that person? Or are you beginning to feel regret and anxiety about what happened? If the latter, then it's most definitely not love but lust.
* Give it some time. Love takes root slowly and grows with time. Infatuation grows into full bloom almost immediately.
* Keep in mind that "True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be." (Unknown)
* Consider what comes to mind when you think about this person. If you are not dating the person, think if you are eager to spend time with them or you just want to watch them from a distance. If you are in a relationship with the person, what do you want most out of the relationship. If you just want to consummate love to the person it is usually lust. If you want to be with them, learn about them, and maybe someday have a sexual relationship, you are probably in a good mix of all three.
* If you're not sure about your feelings or your relationship, take things slowly, introspect. Spend time apart and see how you are feeling while you are away. Do you miss the person? Or are you more attracted to others when you are apart?
* You may also want to consider the fact that it's not always as easy as being one of these three things; often there are a lot of grey areas, the distinctions are blurred, and it is very possible to feel two or even all of these feelings for a person. Just know that lust is NOT a good thing when it comes to the interest of only one person in the relationship.
* Romantic love is not an "eternal truth of the universe" for all relationships. As a concept, romantic love has only been in practice for a few hundred years. Don't assume that it is a requirement for a happy life long relationship, or that the most effective environment for finding such love is by dating. You may never feel 'in love' with the person who might be the perfect mate. You might just have someone who you decided you would like to make it work with. 'Love' or 'no love', both types of relationships require work to make them last.
Keep reality within your reach, although it sounds pessimistic, remember and don't lose sight of warning signs from past relationships, this does not mean you should become totally freaky and suspicious, but don't fall into a tryst either.
Sometimes,...reading a warning sign can prevent your new relationship from plunging into the same pattern you associated with a previous one that brought unhappiness.
When you meet someone and they seem perfect, look for their imperfections and mentally note yours, note what they do that makes you afraid, happy, sad, worried, elated, confused, uncertain, excited, doubtful, giggle, wanted and calm.
Love is a complex thing, it does not thrive in chaos, so look for the things that make you feel calm and at the same time, when you are apart, don't just sit on the phone like a dweeb, ponder on those areas that are not so positive and work out why you feel that way, then change assertively to move into the future with that relationship, in simple terms, if you are dating someone who seems aloof, then don't just be aloof too, find out why they are by exercising some patience, and once you determine why, its either good or bad you should decide if you are going to go right on and hog your own time and space and adapt an elementary approach to it all. That means not giving more than you may get.
This is a harsh way of looking at a relationship, but actually, someone who notices that you don't get het up about the things they do such as being wary or slow to get involved and start to be a drama queen or king will take the time to decide if they really want to be around you because you are not pursuing them or frantically chasing them.
Learning about a person can open up your mind to their own past experience which can of course make them less inclined to trust themselves to another person, you can't change that, but they can earn your respect, adoration and trust, if you just let the person take their own time to know you.
I don't really think love is a real thing, but I think you can adopt a feeling of caring, adoration, acceptance, defending and supporting someone which should be mutual if you are in a loving relationship. Each person will always be different, but there will be the common ground where you can both see something in a normal way.
It is not universal, but shy away from clones of past unhappiness, i.e a chain of behaviour that is definitely designed to disintegrate your quiet world or your focussed life or your priorities, to love someone, their world, life, priorities become a part of yours but your issues are still there, you share them maybe.....discuss them maybe...or you keep them to yourself, but that person will inevitably be able to read how you feel and what you want and need and will not be in a hurry to judge you and jump in like a bull in a china shop.
Finally, be harsh on yourself, take on the whole love thing....yes..but remember you got your own personality, your own problems and your own situation, you have got to deal with that all the time, whether the person you think may love me or who says they do is there or not and that is your priority and your problem, after that..you can worry about the other person or if you do both at the same time, don't be a stuffed toy, oPeN your eYeS!! love is not blind.
Its a harsh way of looking at it, but culturally I am an idol, if you cannot worship me, don't break me, dont smash me, dont abuse me or taunt me, leave me and the bounty those who worship me have brought me and don't diminish from me......and although that is rather rhetoric....add on to it ....just because a dog drank from the river, it does not mean it has become so muddy that no good can come from it or indeed that no one else may drink of it.
So.....may we all find that person that we can live with, cope with, adapt to, grow to love, feel butterflies for even when we are wrinkled and most of all, God loves you!
hahaha! EPIC
i say WHUT!?xD
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 6:34 PM
I had this mind battle going on for days. It made me think and think. I got this weird feeling inside me, and it's got me wondering, is this love or just plain infatuation?(sounds silly,right? I know. hahaha!xD)it might sound stupid, but i'm just making sure.
Knowing what i truly feel is the hardest part, Im not really good at determining emotions.
I searched for articles about the difference between love and infatuation (LOL, sounds like a geek. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!), and i read a few lines that pretty much gave the answers to my mind boggling questions. xD
after reading these lines, I was like..."HA! i get it.xD". LOLOLOL
Knowing what i truly feel is the hardest part, Im not really good at determining emotions.
I searched for articles about the difference between love and infatuation (LOL, sounds like a geek. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!), and i read a few lines that pretty much gave the answers to my mind boggling questions. xD
Love is all about the little things. When you are really, truly, in love, you don't feel the need to dress up for them. The most important thing is being with them. Butterflies are not usually present in love. You should not feel nervous when you really love someone. Love means you connect with them spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. And love means differences, disagreements, and arguing (but not fighting) because who wants to be with someone who is the same as they are? You feel refreshed when you are with them, but not necessarily weak when you are away from them. If you think about them all the time, always, it is probably lust or infatuation, not love. The most important thing you should consider is, can I say 'I love you' and truly mean it?
after reading these lines, I was like..."HA! i get it.xD". LOLOLOL
music.school and whole lotta stuff.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 1:45 PM
music is pretty much my life. I waste most of my free time listening to music, singing or playing the piano.
Just like today..I mean yesterday.xD
I've been listening to hellogoodbye over and over again. LOL and letters and lights!!!<3 thanks to carlo for introducing that band to me. I owe you a big one.xD
guess what, I've been missing school for quite a while. WHUUUUT!?! yeah, ya read it right, school. idk, i've been missing my friends and the school. probably coz the office life is stressin' the hell out of me. it's not my thanng. -_-
*sigh* i've been missin' alot of people. >_< sad but true.>_<
i'm sleepy right nowwwwwww. >_<
Imma hear the mass later. probably @afternoon. oh, and imma call pau later.
Imma go to sleep now. -_-
I'll just post another blog entry about our halloween trip.
love and peace!
Just like today..I mean yesterday.xD
I've been listening to hellogoodbye over and over again. LOL and letters and lights!!!<3 thanks to carlo for introducing that band to me. I owe you a big one.xD
guess what, I've been missing school for quite a while. WHUUUUT!?! yeah, ya read it right, school. idk, i've been missing my friends and the school. probably coz the office life is stressin' the hell out of me. it's not my thanng. -_-
*sigh* i've been missin' alot of people. >_< sad but true.>_<
i'm sleepy right nowwwwwww. >_<
Imma hear the mass later. probably @afternoon. oh, and imma call pau later.
Imma go to sleep now. -_-
I'll just post another blog entry about our halloween trip.
love and peace!
irritation and bs-ing
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 1:28 PM
I AM SO EVIL. I AM SO BAD. hahaha! I keep on bs-ing someone. LOLOLOLOL!!!!xD that person's not even aware that he/she's the one I'm bs-ing. bwahahaha! i know it's bad, i know it's wrong, i'm trying my best to stop it. but i just can't, i can't...i can't stop from bs-ing! xD (oooh, this kinda inspire me, this would be a great song lyrics! xD LOLOLOL!)
idk why, but i am so irritated to that person. he's not so bad, but all i see are his flaws. haha, silly me, other people might be blind for not noticing, but here i am, too aware of all the negativity he's got. LOL im so mean. xD
I'm so evil, i know. LOL
btw, i kinda get over my irritation towards mr. allergy#1, xD (that's a good thing, let's just hope that i wont get irritated over him again.xD)
I haven't posted blogs entry for quite a while so i'll be flooding my blog!!!!xD
idk why, but i am so irritated to that person. he's not so bad, but all i see are his flaws. haha, silly me, other people might be blind for not noticing, but here i am, too aware of all the negativity he's got. LOL im so mean. xD
I'm so evil, i know. LOL
btw, i kinda get over my irritation towards mr. allergy#1, xD (that's a good thing, let's just hope that i wont get irritated over him again.xD)
I haven't posted blogs entry for quite a while so i'll be flooding my blog!!!!xD
a day full of cravings and discoveries
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 12:55 PM
it's past 4am and here I am, writing a blog entry. xD
guess what....I've been craving for pringles the whole day. >_< I went to the pantry to look for pringles ( as far as i know, we bought 6 large canisters of pringles), but when I opened the cabinet, there were no pringles left!!!!!! holy coconuts!!!! >____<
another story.....
I slept for like....more than 12 hours and that's a good thaaaang. (internship is such a bullcrap. It's taking a big-ass amount of my time of sleeping. >______<)
I've been LSS-ing to the song "dear jamie...sincerely me". And I decided to learn how to play it on the piano, guess what! I NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY! xD LOLOLOL, it's an easy song. xD
oh oh. let's move on with the discoveries-part of my day. xD
I noticed that "mr.nice-guy" only sent that message to me even though my bff's name was in his message, ha! *creepy smile* LOLOLOL, IDK if i should be happy about it. I think i like him. LIKE but not likey-like (i think),I've been monitoring myself for quite a while now. HOHOHOHOHO! let's see if this is the real deal. hahaha!xD oh another thing. MY MOM!!! yeah right, my mom, she read the messages on my phone!!! >___< she even denied it. >_< *sigh* she might come up with a new speculation blah blah. -_-
I talked to my other bff's boifrand. and he told me about the things happened to her. I was like O____O WHUT!? she didn't even tell me. >_<
guess what....I've been craving for pringles the whole day. >_< I went to the pantry to look for pringles ( as far as i know, we bought 6 large canisters of pringles), but when I opened the cabinet, there were no pringles left!!!!!! holy coconuts!!!! >____<
another story.....
I slept for like....more than 12 hours and that's a good thaaaang. (internship is such a bullcrap. It's taking a big-ass amount of my time of sleeping. >______<)
I've been LSS-ing to the song "dear jamie...sincerely me". And I decided to learn how to play it on the piano, guess what! I NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY! xD LOLOLOL, it's an easy song. xD
oh oh. let's move on with the discoveries-part of my day. xD
I noticed that "mr.nice-guy" only sent that message to me even though my bff's name was in his message, ha! *creepy smile* LOLOLOL, IDK if i should be happy about it. I think i like him. LIKE but not likey-like (i think),I've been monitoring myself for quite a while now. HOHOHOHOHO! let's see if this is the real deal. hahaha!xD oh another thing. MY MOM!!! yeah right, my mom, she read the messages on my phone!!! >___< she even denied it. >_< *sigh* she might come up with a new speculation blah blah. -_-
I talked to my other bff's boifrand. and he told me about the things happened to her. I was like O____O WHUT!? she didn't even tell me. >_<
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