it's been a while since I've posted. Anyway, I got sick since Wednesday.
I got this very unpleasant illness. I got infected. I can't even go outside, TT__TT and I even had to eat lotsa fruits and drink lotsa water and gatorade. sheesh. (Eating too much bananas makes me puke. argh)
what sucks is that I got a defense last friday (sept 17,2010). Good thing our professor is kind enough to give considerations.
Another sad part is that I got to drink lotsa bitter meds. TT_______TT they taste so icky. I hated it.
As of now, I'm feeling okay, but I still have to drink those crappy meds. *sigh*
here are the images of those icky meds. >_< (^)
the first one is the med I hated the most, it taste sooooooooo bitter.
the second one is a capsule,it tastes okay for me.
the third one is the food supplement thinggy. It makes my tongue feels rough and weird.
the last one is the cute looking med. haha! It tastes like water. haha
'til next time!
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