here's my first entry for the 30 day blogging.
so the topic for the Day 1 will be about your best friend.
here it goes!
believe it or not, I got two best friends. And they are Pauline Myrtle and Abegail Nirvana.
We were schoolmates way back in High school days.
Pauline and I were classmates since freshman year. We are both members of the "L-Association". We go to the malls frequently. We used to talked on the phone almost every night. We do all the things that best friends do.
On our sophomore class, the number of girls in the room was outnumbered by the number of boys and that made us closer to each other. It was the happiest school year for me.
On our junior year, the two of us got separated from our other friends. And that made us feel a little bit uneasy. This was the start of our rebellious days. We started doing bad things. It became some sort of a habit for us. Until everything back fired on us. We got a lot of scolding and sermons from our parents/guardian.
We managed to surpass the obstacles and problems we caused. On our senior year, both of us decided to transfer schools. We still talk on the phone every night. But we don't see each other as often as before.
Then the very heartbreaking day has arrived. It's now time for Pau and her siblings to go. They are now going to US. And that means we'll be far away from each other. Scenes from that day are still fresh on my mind. It never fail to make me cry, even up until now. Sometimes I wonder why does it have to happen, but then I realized, It was for the better. It became so hard for me to accept the fact that we are now separated for each other, but as time passed, I learned to accept it whole heartedly.
It has been three years since they left, We may not see each other, we may not talked often just like before, I still consider her as one of my best-est friends.
(crap, this is soooo saaad. TT__TT *sob*)
okay, let's move on to my other best friend.xD
She's abi, I call her Paris(Hilton) and she calls me Kim(Kardashian).
We were classmates in 3rd year high school. We are not yet close that time.
We started getting closer in our 1st year college days.
We became closer to each other and we became best friends. No explanation needed, it just happened.
We may not bond as much as Pau and I did. But she is still equally special to me.
I love them both!!!! <3

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