Day 10- Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Posted by Winterhearts<3 at 10:35 AM
Day 10- Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.
It's been a long time since I last talked to them.(Him and Her)
Oh how I miss them so much. I can't remember when was the last time I talked to Him. All I remember was that we talked via skype, he even showed his face, I really really missed him and I really really want to talk to him, but it's not that easy, we're not as close as before and it'll seem weird, awkward rather, if I made the first move and talk to him. I don't know, I just hate the idea of making the first move. I kinda wish that things were the same as before. :3
Now let me talk about Her, I got kinda mad at her before, because I posted on her facebook wall, greeting her with lotsa emotions and stuff(haha!)but she just liked the post I made, no reply just liked the post. I was okay with that, but when a certain person posted on her wall, he even called her bestfriend! she replied immediately, i got so mad back then, but it's not a big deal now, because she called me last week! even though it's only a 5-minute call, it made me happy, because we haven't talked in a long time and I really missed her. Oh how I wish that I'm rich so that I could buy lotsa call cards just to call her, but no, I'm hella broke right now and I can't even afford to buy a single call card. =(
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